
Sunshine Sunshine is fine

Today was BEAUTIFUL! Just the kind of day I needed!
Even though I woke up late for work, I just KNEW today was going to be great the second I saw the sun shining through my blinds. Work at PH was pretty good. Came home early and hung out with my Grandma for a bit before my "in-between-jobs-revamp-nap". Went to work at the call center and kicked butt. Talked to my Team Lead about getting more hours, and he asked if I'd be interested in FULL TIME! (ah! I wasn't going to say anything so I wouldn't jinx it.. I just HAD to!) He's going to look over my numbers and we'll discuss it more after this week I think. Which is AWESOME because I reeeeeeeaaaaaallly didn't want to be working BOTH jobs while my parents are on their cruise and I'm kickin' it with my brother.

Anyhow. I went to the boys last night after posting that whiny baby post, and I just have to say, Matt and Dustin are my absolute favorites. They can always make me smile. And Big D and I, I swear it seems we've got each others backs when the one of us is feeling blue. And he's always so down to take pictures with me. And I like that, because then it still allows me to be a little vain on the bloggin photo business.

This one was his personal favorite, due to the face he's making. haha

And this guy just always makes me smile. Always has. Even during my toughest times with friends, the ex, myself, he's been my rock through so much crappy stuff and doesn't let me dwell on it. Sure, he'll let me complain for what's worth complainin, and then it's over. We move on. And that's the best. And is for sure exactly what I needed yesterday. (and the added bonus of snuggles and kisses isn't too bad either.. haha)

I should have gotten off of the computer so long ago and gone to bed. So I think I'll do that now. I hope everyone had a great Monday! And let's get this amazing mood to go all week! Even if the weather doesn't!

my body is trying to grow a horn... soooo not cool. (the white circle in the pic is my Mary Kay mask that I've been caking on there to try to make the sucker go away...) I've come to the conclusion that it's either a horn, or my body just decided that one head wasn't enough for this Shando, time to sprout another on the forehead.

So here's to also hopin' lady time induced acne goes away SOOON! hehe