
i know i know...

I said I was going to day 8.. but I just don't have enough time. So I leave you with this video. I love this song a lot right now. And She and Him.

Enjoy. :D

Day 7 - A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you.

For about 3 years I was making every decision about my life around someone who said he was doing the same thing. But for the last year I've gotten back to thinking about me. Yes, there are a LOT of other things/people that have a very big impact on me, but since blogger takes 9 years to upload pictures and whatsits, I decided to do things this way.

Money also has a huge impact on me. As I'm sure it does everyone else. I wish I knew how to manage it better. And how to just make it appear for doing nothing. haha :D

Day 6 - Your favorite Superhero and why.

Big Daddy and Hit Girl.

Seriously. If you haven't seen Kick-Ass, or read it if that's what you're into, then just don't even worry about it.

But then do it. You'll understand.

Day 5 - A picture of somewhere you've been.

(Yes, I'm catching up to day 8 all at once... deal)


The Monteray Bay Aquarium is seriously my very most favorite place ever. I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! I honestly (even though I'm sure it WILL be amazing..) don't even think Disneyland will outdo it. :D haha

Day 4 - A habit that you wish you didn't have.

Sleeping through my alarm. It's not a good thing to do, especially when you have a job that DEPENDS on you getting there to be able to do ANYTHING for the day.

Ridiculous. Some may say it's because I need to get to sleep earlier. Thing is, even when I do go to sleep quite early, by the time my alarm starts going off I'm still just sleeping away.

I'm going to invent an alarm clock that will throw me out of my bed. Or maybe on that will violently shake my bed until I am out of it. Either way, I need SOMETHING to make me wake up!