In my mind right now... This post is going to have soooooooo many different topics. But I'm also quite tuckered out from my exciting day, so I'll do my best to get it all in before I fall asleep on my keyboard!
First off! I know it's Thursday, but my good bloggin' friend Heidi has started a "weigh-in wednesday" feature on her blog, and I said I was going to join her, and then lady time showed up so I postponed. But I decided no longer! I must begin!
(she also has a super cute photo that she uses every week for her feature, so I decided to copy-cat and make one too!)
The last time I weighed myself, I weighed x amount of pounds (no way I'm postin' that number until I lose quite a bit more!) and tonight when I hopped on the scale, I was 3 pounds less! Yes! Honestly, I'm a little suprised about this, as I've been curing my self pity and lady time induced yucky feelings with eating (awesome?). But hey, I'm not complainin! Time to kick this weight-loss in to high gear! (continue reading for more details!)
Heidi is soooo cute and crafty! She's having a give away on her blog right now
Her etsy shop is sooo cute! I've been wanting to order things from it so bad, too bad I'm a po' Shando. At least when I get moved to full time at the job I'll be able to spoil myself with such delights! In the meantime, I decided to enter the give away! :) *crosses fingers*!

I also got my hair done yesterday! My sweet, beautiful, incredible (Bride-to-Be) cousin Alesia does hair, and she's so good to me and does mine for a most reasonable price. :) I decided a few days back that I wanted something different, but not TOO different, as I love my hair way too much and changing it makes me nervous. So I decided maybe a little red, and a teensy twist on the cut would do the trick. Alesia said she could certainly deliver for me. And added the extra bonus of maybe some colored extensions. So she picked up some BRIGHT RED extensions and we had at it!
It's hard to tell the overall red color, I was trying to get a good picture to show it alll day, but none of them worked as well as I liked. But trust me... it looks freakin SWEET! I love it sosososososooo much! She's the best ever! And really the only one I trust with my hair anymore. I don't even have to tell her what to do, just let her have at it and I know I'll always leave LOVING my hair. (click on her name above and set up an appt if you're interested in some sweet hair action! Or click here for the FB page for her salon)
Speaking of my sweet, beautiful, incredible (Bride-to-Be) cousin Alesia, she usually has Thursdays off, and I had the day off from PH so we made plans to go to breakfast an hang out. She met me at my house and we ran a few errands. Picked up my good friend Erik. It was so nice hanging out with him. I've really missed him a lot. Even if he is having a tough time right now, it was just nice to know that we're still friends. We went to Callie's for breakfast. Mmmm. Dee-lish! 3 pitcher's mounds, and a million coffees (all around, not just me haha) later we headed off to take Erik back and then we went to do some wedding stuff! I'm her Maid of Honor and this was the first chance we've had to be together and start plannin'. Well, with me anyways. Haha. There was a bit of a panic-mode for a minute when she said she wants to go next month to get my dress! I want to be SKINNY for the wedding! So, time for this girl to start REALLY working to get smaller by next month! YIKES! I'm thinking about trying the whole "no-carbs" business, but it makes me nervous, especially since I don't eat a lot of meat... Anyone have any good "diet" type ideas? Or know a good carb-free meal plan?
I saw these super cute plates at the paper store we went to. I almost just want to buy them for fun!
my sweet, beautiful, incredible (Bride-to-Be) cousin Alesia
can you believe there's THAT many choices for envelopes!? Cuz I had no idea!
Needless to say, it was an AWESOME day! And to finish it all off, ZUMBA!
post Zumba sweaty-beauty! ha
I hope everyone else had a great Thursday!