Day 17 - Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why.
Day 18 - Plans/Dreams/Goals you have.
I'm combining them both.. as they both somewhat tie in together.

Ceci! This is my Zumba instructor. I love her sooo much! She is such an incredible inspiration, and she's sooo tiny and energetic! Even when she's sick she comes to class and gives it her all. She's such a happy person, and you can just feel how much she loves Zumba and all of her little "Zumba-Peeps". I've been to a few other Zumba classes, and NONE of them are as good as Zumba with Cecilia. My mom and I have both said numerous times that we're so lucky we found her.
I want to know what it would be like to be her! To teach 9 (yes.. NINE) Zumba classes each week. To spend every day doing what you love sooooo much! And most of all, to be skinny. And just the cutest thing ever.
This part might be most unpleasant for my family to read.. but I figure if I put it here for you to see, I'll actually have the support I want/need to stick to it.
I want to lose 10 pounds and quit smoking by Christmas
yeah... I said it. I'm a smoker. I've been smoking since I was 17. Ohhhh how young and naive I was... Thinking it was no big deal, I could quit if I wanted. Turns out, not so easy. It certainly was the first few times I quit. (heh) Which only made me think it'd be a piece of cake if I continued. So on I went. Now 6 years later I hate the way I smell most of the time. I hate the way I get snappy with my family (my brother mostly) after hanging out with them for an entire day because I won't smoke around them. I hate the coughing, and throat clearing all the time.
But, along with that, it's become such a relaxing crutch I panic when I think about life without it. A friend of mine that recently quit posted something on facebook the other day and basically said as much as she hates smoking, it's so relaxing. The process of just breathing in and out is so calming. And it's so true. It's so stupid.

All of that, combined with wanting to lose weight is pushing myself, indeed. Although the combination of Zumba and cutting back on the smoking certainly worked like a charm before. You see, smoking and Zumba do not go very well together. And I'd rather be able to Zumba comfortably and get healthy than continue ruining myself.
I need to learn how to eat right. I feel as though I was never properly educated on a healthy eating lifestyle. I get so stressed because in my mind everything needs to be *perfect* so when I think about buying things to be able to eat right, so many other obstacles pop in my head (I'm not even going to try explaining them... as they probably won't make sense to anyone anyhow..) that make me just not want to bother. That, or I go through phases of hardly eating anything. I'll go days of just weight loss shakes and a cracker here and there... and then I go a few days of doing exactly the opposite.
I think back to a month or so after my mom and I discovered Zumba and I'd lost a little over 10 pounds and I was feeling good. And then when I was going to school I started doing homework more often than go to Zumba (what!? ha..) But still stayed fit... And then along came Halloween City, and barely being home long enough to sleep, let alone eat something that wasn't fast food... and everything got jiggly again. :/ uggghhh. I haven't gained the full 10 pounds back yet. (at least I don't think so... I've been avoiding the scale, but last time I checked, I wasn't there yet. haha) So I need to get back on track!!

I post this picture because I love Shelbywoo, and this was after Zumba one night. We were being way too goofy and taking waaaay too many pictures on my moms laptop. haha. Ohh I miss her!
So, to wrap it up here, I want to be skinny.
I want to quit smoking.
And I want to hang out with Shelby.
I'm totally open to suggestions. If anyone has any helpful tips on quitting smoking. Or if you have some healthy meal ideas (for one, because I'm a loner..) Or just any thoughts or ideas that could help me out, they are more than welcome. (Heidi, Bonnie, and Jodi... first class of Zumba is free.. just something to think about if you want to join me! hehe)
I'm determined. I've been saying these two things for YEARS. Time to actually do something about it.
Scared to death.. but determined.