Day 13 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
I'm bored waiting for Matt to get off work, so I continue now with more 30 days of blogging..
Figure it'll kind of catch me up for what I skipped while H.City was open. :D
Only thing is, I don't quite know what to write here. This is more a post fit for a journal. But perhaps I should write something just to get my feelings on a certain matter out there. Unfortunately, I still don't think that would help considering... Hmm... I'll give it a shot.
Hmm.. okay. Had a great big long letter typed out. Read it over. Decided to go with my original instinct and not post it publicly. Thanks for trying though, blogger. You're a champ. ;)
So another picture of Shad and I on Halloween being total Bad A's
Day 12 - How you found out about Blogs and why you made one.
I originally found out about blogger through my mom. One day I was at my Mom's house and she was looking at my Aunt Megan's blog. And then showed me hers. And then somehow talked me in to starting my own. I made a few posts, and then got bored with it. Mostly just wanted to read my Aunts blog because she's got the cutest damn kids on the planet. And I started thinking about how blogging was more for grown ups and married people with kids. Ugh... But then one day I creeped about at Jodi's blog and laughed so hard I decided I wanted to start up again. Deleted all of my old posts about the old relationship and whiney baby crap and started over! :D
(This is my little buddy, as previously mentioned, cutest freakin kids ever!)
Today has been so odd. I had a great day at work. Everything seemed to be just grand. But then I got home and just felt off. I read something today on Facebook that kind of tied in to something that happened a few days ago that just left me feeling confused about current goings on. As I said in a previous post, I'm really enjoying this sudden change of events in my life right now. But the last few days have just left my mind racing and thinking about things (and a person) I probably shouldn't.
Oh well, It's just today that I've really felt this way.
UPDATED! Maaaaaan I'm proud of how often I'm updating! Honestly, if it wasn't for Heidi and Bonnie I wouldn't be. At least I know I have an audience. Haha. :D Thanks grrrrrls!