
Day 13 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.

I'm bored waiting for Matt to get off work, so I continue now with more 30 days of blogging..
Figure it'll kind of catch me up for what I skipped while H.City was open. :D

Only thing is, I don't quite know what to write here. This is more a post fit for a journal. But perhaps I should write something just to get my feelings on a certain matter out there. Unfortunately, I still don't think that would help considering... Hmm... I'll give it a shot.

Hmm.. okay. Had a great big long letter typed out. Read it over. Decided to go with my original instinct and not post it publicly. Thanks for trying though, blogger. You're a champ. ;)

So another picture of Shad and I on Halloween being total Bad A's


Gwiddle said...

Shad is SO big now! When I went to your house with chris king like 9 years ago he was so young! HOLY MOLY. & I hated this post, I didnt really have one, I did post one about a bitchy patient. But decided to delete it. haha