
Day 2 - The meaning behind your Blog name.

Shandihontas, is just one of my many nicknames. (When previously thinking about what to write for "day 2" I was going to list them all, but then I noticed later on I'll get to do that for one of these posts..)

I'm not sure who started calling me that first. I actually think I just called myself "Shandihontas" one day and it stuck around.

Let me break it down for you:

"Shandi" (Sh-a-nd-ee): That's my name.
"hontas" (hau-n-tah-ss): The last part of "Pocahontas". For those who are unaware, I am 1/2 Native American (Apache). Therefore, mixing the two names seemed appropriate.

And from that, we have "Shandihontas"!



Gwiddle said...

Haha I love this! I think I'm going to steal this 30 days of blogging from you. & that picture kicks ass haha

Janett said...

You are such a crack up! I guess that's one of the reasons I love you so much!