Oh Hello Blogger. It's been a while. So I'm doubling your pleasure in this post with TWO pictures of yours truly. (and throwin' in some update blog worthy type things as an added bonus!)
So, I realized that in both of these pictures I'm wearing drinking shirts. :/ So I'm going to tell you my stories of how I came about owning them. The shirt in the top picture, says "One Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Tequila, Floor" and gets a little blurrier as it goes.. ha. This shirt actually belonged to my sweet Johnson boys' oldest brother. He passed away earlier this year so they took over most of his clothes. He was such an awesome guy, but was afflicted with some serious health issues and unfortunately it took him early. The boys were actually going to give this shirt to one of our other friends, but then Dustin one day decided I should have it to remember Brandon by. It's become one of my favorite shirts because of that. I get the other 3 boys every day, and now I have a little piece of Brandon too.
The bottom picture is a Pabst Blue Ribbon shirt. Not much of a story with this one, aside from Matt bought one, and every time he'd wear it I told him he needed to give my shirt back. (haha) And then we went to the mall one day and he bought me one. It's nice to have things bought for me for a change.
I started my new job!! It's at a call center in Orem. Not so glamorous... but I'm making $1.50 more than I'm making at Pizza Hut (which is $.50-$1 more than I'd even be making as a Manager at Pizza hut), and I have potential for a raise after the 3 week probation period. It's really nice. I'm working nights there, part time for the first few weeks and after my performance review I'll be able to move to full time. I think I'll still keep my job at Pizza Hut for a while, it'll be nice to have the extra money. Especially with the Holidays coming up.
In the down time at work #2, I get to crochet(!!!) which is soooo nice, as I've been wanting to get caught up on my crochet projects but didn't seem to be able to find time to do so. I've also purchased a Dinosaur coloring book to keep myself occupied. I also have come up with a list of silly phone job quirks...
-Peoples voicemail messages make me smile. I had one the other day for an older lady that had a wonderful (3 minute) inspirational message. Precious.
-Did you know there's a city in Pennsylvania called "Forty Fort"...? Really?.... Really?!
Everyone's been posting about decorating they're homes/apartments for Christmas. I usually am a bit of a Scrooge, I won't lie, until about a week before Christmas. But something about this year has me excited already for it. I only wish I had my own place to decorate and buy fun holiday smells for. But Hailey and I went shopping the other day and we went in to Tai Pan, and I got soooo excited to start Christmas shopping, and the smell of cinnamon, and snowflake decorations. (Also, Heidi, they have lots of cute owl jewelry there, it made me think of you.) And then this afternoon we went to Denny's and they have their new Holiday specials, and even THOSE got me excited! I'm excited to buy my family and friends presents. Driving around looking at Christmas lights. Snuggling and drinking hot chocolate (even if I know it'll really just be sitting on the couch watching video games... ha) Hanging out with family. And everyone's houses just feeling so cozy. My mom's Christmas Village. Especially when my dumb kitty climbs up in there and pretends she's Cat-Zilla. Going to my moms and watching Christmas movies and snuggling with my pup.
Ohhh. So many things to look forward to. I'm happy I wrote this post. I was feeling a little down this evening, and that happy list just lifted my spirits. :D
I hope every one had a good weekend!

REally!? WHich Tai pan? The one in the Orem mall? Also niccce shirts :) Yes scroogy wooge we have gotten to you! & I FINALLY got to decorate my home today :) Which call center are you working at?
I love you missy. Come watch a christmas movie with me and we'll snuggle. I'm so glad you're feeling the Spirit of Christmas and I hope it continues throughout the entire season. Love you!
Shandi, I decided I need to read your blog more. I just love you. :)
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