
Day 23 - Something you crave a lot.

Ugh... I freakin hate that I love pizza soooo much! I mean... I WORK at Pizza Hut!! Doesn't that mean I should be sick of it by now!? Sometimes I go through days when I'm like "Ewwww... nooooo thank you!" But most days it's more like "Dayuuummm.... I want a pizza!" haha. Although, since starting my diet and having a calorie counting website bookmarked on my phone, I'm doing  A LOT better at refraining from eating pizza. YIKES!


I ate so much junk food last night with Dustin!
Matt was being a bit of an old man and insisted he needed to go to bed early. There was a bit of a lover's quarrel going on with the other roommates in the house, so we just decided to not hang out with them.. :/ So Big D and I went to Walmart and got a great big Christmas popcorn tin, some Ande's Creme de Menthe cookies, and Mtn Dew. Went back to the apartment and just vegged while watching Full Metal Alchemist.
I told myself as I was driving home that I would so some at home Zumba today, or go over and run on the treadmill to work it off. Buuuuuuut.... I just don't have the energy to! :/ So here I sit, watching TV, drinking some DDP, and bloggin'.  I'm going to the 'rents house tonight, so maybe I'll get the brother to go for a jog with me or something.  :D

Anyhow, I was REEEEAAAALLY pumped to start working on this blanket I've been wanting to make for months now! Woke up ready to get my crochet bag together and head over to the boys to kick it with old man Baby Matthew, AND I CAN'T FIND MY HOOKS ANYWHERE! I've found a few of my small ones, but I want my big ones! Oh... life is tough when your name is Shandi. Ha!


Gwiddle said...

hahahahah I love it when I eat junkfood and think I am going to work out so hard tonight.. But alas I never do. Pizza is very delicious, I haven't been able to eat "real" pizza in years which is torture sometimes.. But having a gluten allergy totally helps with not eating carbs! haha... You would think I would be so skinny by now.. Oh well. I just bought a crochet hook and some yarn the other day, I wnat to learn to crochet a hat!