One year ago: I was still very heart broken and desperate for any sort of company.
I don't remember being this cold all the time.
Quite unhealthy. Physically and mentally.
A pro at making questionable impulse decisions.
Now: Healed.
I can be comfortable being alone.
Hair about 4 inches longer.
Found Zumba, and feel 10 times healthier. (both physically AND mentally!)
Freakin' awesome. (a whole years' worth more..)

Exibit A:
mustache photo. They have this mustache on their bathroom mirror... I couldn't resist.
The whole night was so fun. So many great people. And seeing the way Not-Boyfriend acts when around the SLC crowd makes me happy. And Salt Lake adventures very rarely disappoint.
Me, Hailey, and Janice
This is also the night I realized how you change the lens on the incredibooth. And trust me... It was quite the big deal when I realized that my photos with Big D came out in COLOR haha.
Also, look at how he's such a studly Dustin.
Man I'm friends with some attractive people. haha. ;)
And then there's this guy...
I'm sad he (along with quite a few other people this night) didn't realize that the incredibooth takes FOUR photos, so he was making the same face in ever picture. Whatta dough-head.
I think that's about it. Not much else to talk about.
Hope everyone had a great weekend and is having a great start to the week!
Okay: can I just say a few things.
1: Your skin looks glowing in your 1 year later photo!
2: You kick ass for quitting smoking!
3: Seriously you can tell in just pictures alone you are in a much better place this year
4: you are beautiful
That is all! Have a great day beautiful girl! :)
You are amazing and I love you! I'm so glad you are my best friend and best daughter (ok only daughter) at the same time. I love being with you. I love the way you make me laugh. I love how beautiful you are, inside and out. I love the strong woman you have become. I LOVE BEING YOUR MOM!
Oh, and you and your "non-boyfriend" make a cute couple. :)
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