

1- Finish 30 days of blogging that has instead lasted 3 months...

2- No more soda. Or at least go back to very rarely soda. Ever since I quit smoking I've been drinking a lot more soda... It's gotta go!

3- Cut back on the hooch.
I don't drink often. But I'd like to make it even less. And with weight-loss in mind, it can only make things better!

4- Exercise at LEAST 4 days a week. I've got my 2 guaranteed Zumba days. I need to make sure I'm doing 2 more days of SOMETHING!

5- Spend more time with my family. (extended family also. With the Holidays over, I've been racking my brain trying to figure out when we're going to have an excuse to all get together again!)

7- Keep my room clean.

I'm sure there's more that needs to be done, but I think that's a good start.

 I probably should start taking more pictures like this though...

 Or perhaps just consider growing a sweet 'stache... somehow.

 Maybe just stick to :
8- Post pictures of more than just self when blogging.
You vain, vain Shando...

How's everyone holding up with their New Years Resolutions? :D


Gale said...

hello there! those are great resolutions to start with. fitness is always a booster and will make tackling any other resolutions easier! something i really really need to do myself haha.

great stache photos!

Janett said...

You are such a funny girl! I love reading your creative writings. I love you!