This week has been great!
Seriously, I know I talk about Zumba a lot, and it probably gets super annoying... but I don't know what I would do without it! And being able to Zumba SO MUCH this week has not only completely distracted me from the stupid crap going on, but I feel SO amazing! There are not words to express how happy I am that my mom and I started Zumba. Most of all, that we found Cecy as our Zumba instructor!
Loca Loca Loca
I hopped on the scale today after Zumba and am down another 2lbs.
Total loss: 5lbs. ohhh yeah.
I'm pretty happy with that. :)
There's a lot to catch up on. Even though there's hardly anything to catch up on.
We came to an agreement that while we've been having a lot of fun, our once amazing friendship has disappeared. So we put an end to not being together and are going to focus on getting our friendship back to being awesome before one of us ends up getting hurt. It's so stupid. But it totally needed to happen. I'm just happy we both agree that we need to fix it now rather than wait until it's past the point of being fixed. I just love him.
Lots of Zumba this week. Tuesday night. Wednesday morning. I'm going to go help my mom teach at the church at 6:30am (yikes!) Thursday. And then Thursday night after work! (If I've survived!) I just love Zumba so much. And now that weekend snuggles are gone, it really is just about the only thing I look forward to. I can already feel the amazing difference just this week has made. And my legs feeling toned again. If Zumba were a man, I'd totally marry it.
I decided to start working on some shirts the other night to get myself out of my lonely funk. I've had back orders for my "Zumba" shirts I made a loooooong time ago for so long, I decided I might as well get on it. And update a little.
They're freakin' sweet. Once I get these done I need to start on making a variety of Shandi shirts also. I forget how popular they are. (haha, it sounds like I'm so vain, but really---they're in high demand)
I'm staying the night at my moms tonight so I can get up in the morning and go with her to teach her "Brazilian dance aerobics class" (can't call it the "Z" word haha) . I was originally going to finish making the shirts for Zumba tomorrow night, but I'm too tired. I'm surprised I've even blogged for this long! Haha. all I know is that there are not enough words to express how excited I am to go from sleeping in this bed:
bloggin' explosion!
In my mind right now... This post is going to have soooooooo many different topics. But I'm also quite tuckered out from my exciting day, so I'll do my best to get it all in before I fall asleep on my keyboard!
First off! I know it's Thursday, but my good bloggin' friend Heidi has started a "weigh-in wednesday" feature on her blog, and I said I was going to join her, and then lady time showed up so I postponed. But I decided no longer! I must begin!
Heidi is soooo cute and crafty! She's having a give away on her blog right now
Her etsy shop is sooo cute! I've been wanting to order things from it so bad, too bad I'm a po' Shando. At least when I get moved to full time at the job I'll be able to spoil myself with such delights! In the meantime, I decided to enter the give away! :) *crosses fingers*!

Sunshine Sunshine is fine
Today was BEAUTIFUL! Just the kind of day I needed!
Even though I woke up late for work, I just KNEW today was going to be great the second I saw the sun shining through my blinds. Work at PH was pretty good. Came home early and hung out with my Grandma for a bit before my "in-between-jobs-revamp-nap". Went to work at the call center and kicked butt. Talked to my Team Lead about getting more hours, and he asked if I'd be interested in FULL TIME! (ah! I wasn't going to say anything so I wouldn't jinx it.. I just HAD to!) He's going to look over my numbers and we'll discuss it more after this week I think. Which is AWESOME because I reeeeeeeaaaaaallly didn't want to be working BOTH jobs while my parents are on their cruise and I'm kickin' it with my brother.
Anyhow. I went to the boys last night after posting that whiny baby post, and I just have to say, Matt and Dustin are my absolute favorites. They can always make me smile. And Big D and I, I swear it seems we've got each others backs when the one of us is feeling blue. And he's always so down to take pictures with me. And I like that, because then it still allows me to be a little vain on the bloggin photo business.
I should have gotten off of the computer so long ago and gone to bed. So I think I'll do that now. I hope everyone had a great Monday! And let's get this amazing mood to go all week! Even if the weather doesn't!
my body is trying to grow a horn... soooo not cool. (the white circle in the pic is my Mary Kay mask that I've been caking on there to try to make the sucker go away...) I've come to the conclusion that it's either a horn, or my body just decided that one head wasn't enough for this Shando, time to sprout another on the forehead.
So here's to also hopin' lady time induced acne goes away SOOON! hehe
Fire Pants...
I lied. This post is not going to be awesome.
I'm sooooooo sad. Blegh. Lady time arrived, and it's kicking my butt. Serrrriously!
I just wish I had a big bed with baby not-boyfwen to come snuggle and watch movies all night and pat my head when I keep crying for no reason.
I'm so over this. Cheer up, buck-o. It'll all be okay. Quit being so down. RIGHT NOW!
There's so many uncomfortable feelings and thoughts that I haven't thought or felt in years and years, perhaps I'm just overreacting. I know nothing can change unless I make it so. It just feels like everything I do lately to make things better, either doesn't change anything, or things just continue getting worse on their own.
Make them take me away.
Day 29 - In this past month what have you learned?
In the last month, I've learned that winter is only good for the Holidays.
Well, I guess more, remembered. As I'm quite certain I've learned that before.
I've learned that... uh...
I don't know.
This post is dumb. I'm done with it. haha.
Day 28 - A picture of you in the last year and now, how have you changed since then?

Exibit A:
mustache photo. They have this mustache on their bathroom mirror... I couldn't resist.
Day 27 - Why are you doing this 30 day challenge?
Why am I doing this "Challenge" you ask?
Because I sucked real bad at knowing what to blog about when I started this blog up again.. So I figured having pre-chosen topics would help me along.
I was right.. but now it's just obnoxious! haha. :D
It's cold.
Resolution breakin'
I just can't seem to get myself to do any 30 days of blogging again today.
I don't even know what the next "subject" is...
I just wanted to make this a quick post anyhow.
Today was wonderful. Didn't have to work one job, so I went to the other early so's to get off early and have a nice evening with my family.
I made a deal with myself last night. No more whiny baby days this week. I used up my quota on my sick days. So from here on out, POSITIVITY IS KEY! ha. Seems to be working alright. :)
I'm somewhat stuck in a musical rut, however. That sounds so silly. But I'm working on getting my new ipod filled up, I've got most of my music on there, going to steal the essentials from the boys. But I want something new.
Any musical suggestions? Any kind really. As I love most anything. (considering I already have everything from Billy Holiday to Leftover Crack on my old ipod...)
Just a few photos now..
I'm sure there's more that needs to be done, but I think that's a good start.
How's everyone holding up with their New Years Resolutions? :D